Turning 50 is a milestone to be celebrated!
When Shelle turned 50 in July 2021, she wanted to do something memorable to celebrate her half century, so she launched an initiative to complete ‘50 Challenges at 50‘, all in aid of Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Visit the JustGiving page for further details here.

“My family have travelled a difficult path with dementia; it’s an awful illness, which robs people of their dignity, their relationships, and their soul, and there is currently no cure.
- Dementia is now the number one cause of death in the UK
- For every four cancer researchers, there is only one dementia researcher, worldwide
- One in three people born today will develop dementia in their lifetime
- The annual cost of dementia to the UK economy is circa £26bn, which is greater than the cost of cancer and heart disease put together
“Research is absolutely critical if we are to understand more about the causes of this awful illness. Alzheimer’s Research UK is on a mission to bring about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025, hence they are my charity partner for this initiative.
“All 50 challenges have been set for me now and I’m working my way through them. You can still donate, however, and every penny counts! Thank you.”
Browse blog
#50 Rock-star-worthy drum faces
I love drumming! Who knew?! Lots of people have asked me over the months which challenge has been my favourite. Well, I’m not sure I have a single favourite, but I certainly fell in love with drumming, and want to do more of it. I think this might be the one new skill...
#49 A pub crawl of epic proportions
Whoever came up with the idea to attach a pub crawl to the London Underground Circle Line must have been light of feet, heavy of wallet and clean of liver. Let’s face it, they must have been in their twenties… Not a slightly overweight (some say cuddly), penniless...
#48 Lather, rinse, repeat
Remember when you were a kid and your mum used to trim your hair between visits to the hairdressers? It never ended well, did it! I remember mine being so short one time that there was barely an inch between my hair line and the end of my fringe. I looked like a monk...
JustGiving Awards 2022
In case you missed it, here's the little film about me that JustGiving made for their awards night... Grateful thanks to everyone who voted for me. There were 588 nominations for the Creative Fundraiser of the Year category so I was really amazed and proud to be...
#47 But where are the handlebars?
The concept of balancing on one wheel while attempting to pedal forwards is just ridiculous. But I have to say it’s a lot of fun, and the satisfaction when you ‘get it’ is beyond question. Frank Dymore found much amusement in the idea of me attempting to ride a...
#46 Run, Shelle, Run!
“Well, f*ck me, I actually did it!” If you’d asked me to run 5k a couple of years ago, I’d have told you where to go. But fundraising makes one do stuff one really wouldn’t normally even consider. My mate Rich is the other half of my music project, desire path. He’s...
#45 DJ Shelle in da house
Be a dance DJ for half an hour challenged Emily Saunders (as opposed to a radio DJ because I’d done plenty of that). OK, well that sounds fun! My strategy with all challenges of this nature has been to find an expert and seek their help and guidance. I’m always happy...
#44 A real sew and sew
I think the last time I sat in front of a sewing machine was during school Home Economics classes – so we’re talking 36/37 years ago! I’ve always been a dab hand with a needle and thread for minor repairs to hems, seams and missing buttons, but anything more complex...