#31 Complete a challenge (or 3) live on national TV

#31 Complete a challenge (or 3) live on national TV

Phone caller: “Hi Shelle. I’m a producer for Steph’s Packed Lunch on Channel 4. Thanks for writing into us about the fundraising work you’re doing. Are you available to be in Leeds on Monday to appear live on the show.” Me: “Yep.” Well, that was a no brainer! So, for...
#29 Painting by numbers

#29 Painting by numbers

Well, not quite, but it might as well have been! My mate Anthony Pryde messaged me one day to excitedly announce he’d found a challenge for me – in Artists & Illustrators magazine. Oh heck! The brief was to paint a lifelike portrait with just three colours plus...
#28 Get over it!

#28 Get over it!

The O2 Dome was built to commemorate the arrival of the third millennium and, throughout the year 2000, it housed the Millennium Experience. It’s since been converted into a huge entertainment complex with the second largest capacity arena in the UK at its heart. The...
#27 Sssshhhh!

#27 Sssshhhh!

I’ve always kind of fancied going to one of those silent retreats run by monks. You know the kind? Meditation, communal eating and time spent in nature, but all in complete silence. I then chuckle to myself, wondering how I’d really get on with not being able to talk....
#26 A Walk Through Dementia

#26 A Walk Through Dementia

The Alzheimer’s Show happens once a year. This year, it was 25th and 26th March at The Business Design Centre in Islington. Throughout my challenges, I’ve been working with the fundraising and communications team at Alzheimer’s Research UK head office to brainstorm...