This series of photos is symbolic of me walking away from an unhealthy business relationship that I’ve been in for many years.
OK, so this challenge is a little unusual and, I’ll admit, I’ve kind of done it all the wrong way round. Facing it was unexpected and unplanned but it was a mighty challenge nonetheless, so it became a retrospective accomplishment.
I’ve always believed that when one door closes, another one opens, and that sometimes you just have to proactively close the door in question in order to force a shift. But it can be incredibly difficult when that door gives you something you need. In this case, it was a source of income.
After MUCH deliberation, I had finally decided to walk away from this particular relationship, but I wasn’t quite ready to verbalise that because I knew it was going to be a difficult conversation. So, when I found myself unexpectedly having that conversation, I put my big girl pants on and got on with it.
I wanted to have the conversation in a way that was respectful of my own boundaries and integrity whilst at the same time respecting the views, needs and business considerations of the other party. And I think we achieved exactly that; we remain friends and came away from our exchange agreeing to disagree.
Several people have kindly donated to my page without setting me a challenge, so I’ve decided to start allocating those donations to other challenges I set for myself. There will be more!
Thank you, Piotr; this one’s for you.
And breathe…