#50 Rock-star-worthy drum faces

#50 Rock-star-worthy drum faces

I love drumming! Who knew?! Lots of people have asked me over the months which challenge has been my favourite. Well, I’m not sure I have a single favourite, but I certainly fell in love with drumming, and want to do more of it. I think this might be the one new skill...
#42 Boo!

#42 Boo!

When my mate Simon set me a challenge to spend a night in a haunted house, I told him he’d have to come with me as there was no way I would do that alone! So, on a fairly mundane Saturday evening in September, we set off for the picturesque village of Finchingfield in...
#39 In a world where you can be anything, be kind…

#39 In a world where you can be anything, be kind…

“A random act of kindness is an unexpected act of charity or helpfulness and is often done for a stranger.” Whilst on the stand-up comedy course in Kingston, I met fellow funny person Harry Manley, and he set me a challenge to carry out 20 random acts of kindness in a...
#38 A walk on the wild side

#38 A walk on the wild side

I think it has to be said that I’m not a natural guitar player, but there is something very satisfying about being able to play music people know just by strumming a few strings and singing a simple melody. I mentioned previously that I’d been set four challenges...
#37 One year out?

#37 One year out?

I’ve been a fairly passive fan of Ken Bruce and his PopMaster music quiz on BBC Radio 2 for several years now. I find my knowledge is very hit and miss; I tend to know really random things, and then forget something that should be obvious. In a moment of inspiration...